Tips for Promoting Your Teen’s Self-esteem

Self-esteem is a powerful source in many aspects of a teenager’s life. It is what influences a teens actions, thoughts and choices. A teen with a high level of self-esteem can give him or her the courage to try new things, make the correct decisions and allow them to reach their potential. Self-esteem can also be a factor in their decisions as to whether or not to raise their hand in class, to try out for a sports team, or to be able to resist peer pressure.

When a teen is rejected by their school classmates and other peers it will usually affect their level of self-esteem. Parents can help in this area by listening, acknowledging their feelings and gently suggesting ways to improve peer relationships. Social acceptance will usually become less of a problem once they learn new social skills that can promote friendships. Recognize and support their special abilities and skills. The key here is to focus on your teens strengths. Research results have shown it is very important to promote a child’s self-esteem early in their preadolescence and middle school years. Teens can not develop self-esteem on their own and need other significant people in their life to help nurture it for them. You are your child’s most important advocate.Parents have an especially powerful influence on an adolescents self-esteem. Self-esteem is actually one of the greatest gifts a parent can give their teen. Simply giving words of encouragement, being aware of accomplishments. giving praise, being a good listener, and offering comments of appreciation go far to instill a sense of self-esteem in a teenager. Parents often make the mistake of only offering praise for major accomplishments. They must remember teens need to be encouraged along the way through their growth. Be sure to offer praise on a regular basis.

Learn to celebrate the little victories. Celebrate good test results or a project successfully completed. It does not have to be a lavish celebration just something important to let them know you are proud. Children love to hear you are proud of them no matter what their age. It is also important to say things like, “You must be very proud of yourself.” Comments like this will assist them to internalize their own pride. This way they do not need to always look to an external source for acceptance. Try asking your teen what their opinion is about something since this is a good way to raise their confidence level.

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